Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Photo gallery for EpicNerf 6! Enjoy!

Photographic evidence of, fun with Nerf blasters and other assorted foam flingin' toys! Yes, that's also an Uberdart in there and it's a fun toy too!


Friday, August 13, 2010

EPICnerf 6: Steaks Galore!!!!

Hey guys here we go with another installment of Nerfy Goodness!

When: Sunday August 22, 2010

Where: Centennial Park
9400 S Oak Park Ave
Oak Lawn, IL

Once you get to the area, we actually meet up at 93ST and Natchez Ave at the playground!

- Don't be a jerk
- Stock Ammo only
- HAMPS are banned

- Nerf Blasters
- Lunch, WATER, snacks, gatorade, etc...
- AMMO! We'll be having a raffle so bring 36 packs of streamlines or cash to get in!

We'll have the usual crew with a large turnout, everyone's invited!

See you guys Sunday!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Epic Nerf 5: Seige of Mogadishu

When: Sunday August 8, 2010 from 10:00am - 4:00pm

Where: Centennial Park
9400 S Oak Park Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453

Meet by the playground by 93ST and Natchez Ave

- Don't be a jerk
- Stock ammo only
- Hoppers are capped at 4 in the clip + 1 chambered
- HAMPS (and their variants) are banned

Here's what to bring:
- Nerf Blasters and backups in case of breakage
- Eye Protection, or else you won't be able to play
- Ammo, we've got an awesome communal box going, but be sure to bring your own
- Lunch and Drinks, We'll have 30 minutes for lunch and back to Nerf. If you're late, we're starting without you.

Banned Guns:
- Singled and plugged 4B's
- Singled Titans
- Anything that is dangerous/unfair/hamp-ers fun of others

We're looking at a very sizeable group again! Hope to see everybody there!