When: SUNDAY July 10, 2011 10:00am - 4:00 pm
Where: Centennial Park
9400 S Oak Park Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
(Hummer is the greatest Nerfer of all time)
- Don't be a jerk
- Stock ammo only
- No Melee weapons bigger than 12" in length (outside of Hammertime-Zombie rounds)
- No shields greater than 8" diameter
- Hand-hand combat is frowned upon
-Hosts reserve the right to tell any attendees to leave or sit out a round if they deem that attendees' behavior is unacceptable
Here's what to bring:
- Nerf Blasters and backups in case of breakage
- Eye Protection, or else you won't be able to play
- Ammo, we've got an awesome communal box going
- Lunch and Drinks, Hydration is key! You don't want to have heat strokes like King Louie the 69th
Banned Guns:
Big Blasts, Singled Titans, if it's powerful enough to blow streamlines apart, don't bring it